Our SolutionsAll Solutions
Seamless digital patient journey from referral to discharge.
Create digital forms for your organisation effortlessly.
Video conferencing solution for NHS clinical teams
eMeet & Greet
Resolving the communication gap for patients when referred to specialist services
Waiting List Validation
Reduce NHS waiting lists and DNAs with digital appointment validation
Phlebotomy Booking Solution
An efficient and secure portal for patients to book phlebotomy appointments digitally
Bladder and Bowel Self-referralĀ
Talking about bladder and bowel problems is sensitive and can be uncomfortable for many. Our Bladder and Bowel digital solution enables patients to self-refer to […]
MSK Self-Referral
Empower patients to self-refer from your Trust's website
MyHealthCall PEP
Communicate with your patients through the NHS App.
SMI Annual Physical Health Checks
Improve accessibility and uptake of annual physical health checks for people with severe mental illness.
Deliver excellent remote care without compromising on safety.
Diabetes Remote Monitoring
Remote monitoring for diabetes patients living in residential care homes